IOS apps not build

I will check and update you…


I have created apps using ‘enterprise’ ios release type. able to generate apps, Installed the apps on mobile but when I initialized the app I am getting below error.

Please help and let us know.

Abhishek Mishra

Looks like an Angular problem, not VoltBuilder. Are there any messages in the Safari Remote Console?

Hi, This same code is working on PhoneGap and Same code is working for android but not for IOS.
PhoneGap is supporting both Android and IOS both.

So I don’t think so, its a code problem… So Please see…
I will also try to diagnose more about…

Waiting for your reply…

Hi Team,

waiting for your reply…

Abhishek Mishra

Hi, When I uploaded the same package on ( which is used with Volt) is perfectly working fine.

Please refer my above screen shot and please reply me soon.

Abhishek Mishra is definitely not used by VoltBuilder. PhoneGap is obsolete and no longer supports the current version of iOS.

Lots has changed since PhoneGap was last up to date. It’s well documented in the AppStudio and Cordova docs: I have sent you the links to those docs already.

Finally, with reference to the actual error, did you do as I advised you last time?

HI Looking for proper answer… What is the problem

Something has been chagned - help me, if you need any input tell me.

Abhishek Mishra

What do you see in the Safari Remote Console?

This is not a message from the Safari Remote Console.

Here is the link to Safari Remote Debugging. It is in our documentation.

The message I have given you came from your logs…

The following build commands failed:
CodeSign /Users/voltbuilder/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Go_FSIII_DK-barappdexkjlunfhsppmgmhzccwq/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Go\ FSIII\ DK/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/Go\ FSIII\
(1 failure)
Build bc1b1076-90ba-4355-9df4-a062dd157e12 failed

are you able to understand the issue…( we are developers - well we know how to debug the things and also thanks for guiding us)

I am looking for your help as you are the person who know Volt better than me. expecting you reply.

Abhishek Mishra

Then, as a developer, you should be able to do as I have now said a couple of times. What output do you see in the Safari Remote Console?

Ok Man,

I will send you the console logs as well… Hope you will be able to help me.


Why this error is coming ?
The following build commands failed:
CodeSign /Users/voltbuilder/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Go_FSIII_DK-dmoidkgclmaupkegannzmgfmqkoc/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Go\ FSIII\ DK/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/Go\ FSIII\
(1 failure)
Build cc2cdf15-9f7c-484b-a3dd-2c3ce8482c00 failed

This is returned by the iOS Code Signing library. Next step is to look in the log to see if it says more.

It looks like the problem is with your Apple signing certificate. There really isn’t much else to do then regenerate it properly.